Obtain Citizenship In Malta

Individual Investor Program

Malta Individual Investor Programme (IIP)

The government of Malta is offering Maltese citizenship (European citizenship) to international investors who contribute to the country’s economic development.

Malta is a stable, neutral and respected member of the European Union since 2004 and part of the Schengen Area since 2007. Citizenship under this program grants the European passport and all benefits of full European citizenship. This means access to all investment opportunities in Malta and throughout the 28 European Union countries, as well as visa-free travel to more than 160 countries in the world, including the USA, Middle East, Africa, Asia, and most countries in North, Central and South America.

Main applicants are required to make a Euro 650,000 contribution to the National Development and Social Fund. The contribution for a spouse and minor children is Euro 25,000 each. The contribution for dependent parents over 55 years of age and dependent children between 18 – 26 years of age is Euro 50,000.

In addition to the contribution, applicants must establish a residence in Malta through (a) purchasing real estate valued at no less than Euro 350,000 or (b) leasing a property at no less than Euro 16,000 per year. Applicants are also required to make an investment of Euro 150,000 in Government approved financial instruments. The real estate and securities investments must be held for a minimum of five years. Please contact us for a detailed quote.

​The timeframe for application processing and issuance of the passport can be short as six months if the applicant has already met the one-year residency requirement.

Our associated attorneys are IIP accredited Authorized Registered Mandatories (ARM), a designation required by the Maltese Government to manage IIP applications, and all attorneys are licensed to practice immigration law in Malta. The team consists of 10 professionals working exclusively on Citizenship & Residence matters and has handled the largest number of complete applications submitted to date at a 100% success rate.

Main Features Of A Citizenship:

Note: The application processing time is 6 months to 2 years.

Main Requirements

In order to be qualified for Maltese citizenship, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

Most Popular Jurisdictions

My Second Passport is a comprehensive resource designed to provide individuals with accurate, up-to-date, and easy-to-understand information on all areas of immigration, second passports, second citizenship, and permanent residency abroad.

Our expert consultants will guide you through every step of the entire visa and immigration procedure, from making a detailed assessment of your profile to advising you on various matters pertaining to your application, such as jurisdictional rights and obligations.

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